I've had so much fun with Sarah's dog quilt today! I wasn't sure what to do on the outside border. I decided to find a bone clip art and trace it on freezer paper. As an aside, if you do a Google image search for "bone," make sure you have the safe search feature on because you'll get some real doozies otherwise. :)
Use freezer paper cut to your shape, then trace with your favorite erasable fabric marker.
I used my iron to fix the bones to the quilt top so I could sew around them. The bones are set at 45 degree angles and filled in with loops. I used a varigated Rainbows thread by Superior that really gives it some zip!
Use freezer paper cut to your shape, then trace with your favorite erasable fabric marker.

I'll put some final photos of Sarah's dog quilt up soon. For now, here is her next one, it is a phenomenal batik. WOWSERS!


Beautiful Desert Batik Quilt in Progress

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