I’m not sure what the name of this pattern is. Knowing Sandy, it is likely an original design but don’t quote me on that. 🙂longarm machine quilt

Sandy is one of the nicest people you’d ever meet. She is kind and generous and TALENTED.

Plus, she enjoys the same color palette as I do… vibrant!

Batik Log Cabin Quilt

I’m pretty sure you could swap out my fabric stash for hers and neither of us would notice.

She made two batik quilts for her guest room and it is always nice making a quilt you know you’ll likely sleep under at some point. 🙂

Log Cabin Quilt

She chose Double Bubble and poly batting with a Chartreuse thread. She wanted the stitching a bit denser than this pattern normally gets stitched out. I shrunk it down so the largest circle is no bigger than a coffee mug and the smallest circle is about the size of a nickel.

Double Bubble Panto

I went to stitch the matching quilt and discovered I was 10″ short on batting! Eeek! More is ordered and winging its way to me now.

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