I recently got to attend the AQS Lancaster quilt show. It is always fun to walk around the show and decide who I would have given ribbons to. When I saw the following quilt I knew it would have been my Best of Show pick. I'm overwhelmed by how intricate it is and how perfect it is in so many ways.


Take a look at all of those small applique circles. They are all hand done and the hand quilting behind it all just makes it sing. landotcu1

I love how the colors of the dots dance across the surface and enhance the design. I struggle to imagine how the quilter kept it all organized. LOVE IT! landotms

The next quilt is just as impressive. This one has over the top embroidery that draws the applique to a whole new level. lanpersianws

It looks like a priceless rug, doesn't it? lanpersianpaperlanpersiancu3

Look at the richness of the colors and how the quilting bring the eye around the elements of the top. Extraordinary job! lanpersiancu1lanpersiancu2

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