This is a graduation gift for Laura's daughter. The shirts are all mementos from the things she holds dear. Laura told me her daughter was just a wonderful young woman who has been a joy to watch grow up.
Laura's Graduation T-Shirt Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
The back of this quilt is black dotted minkee fabric and feels like chinchilla fur! The bright red polka dot binding really adds a nice visual touch to the quilt. Using Minkee in a quilt can be a bit of a challenge. The most difficult part is getting a nice square edge to pin to the leaders on the frame. Normally, you can make a little cut in the selvage of a backing and rip along the grain to ensure you have a clean, straight edge. However, Minkee doesn't rip - it splits. Instead, you much line it up on a big cutting table and work to hard to get your straight edge you trust. The result is that you need more fabric than usual for the backing when working with Minkee.
Laura's Graduation T-Shirt Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
I normally ask for 6-8 inches more fabric for the backing and works great. I need 12-18 inches more for Minkee so I can get a straight edge. I can tell you that the edge that is cut at the fabric store is all over the place! This stuff curls and unravels at a vicious pace. Lots of pinning is required but the end result is so cozy.
Laura's Graduation T-Shirt Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
Laura's daughter graduates from high school today and will be presented with this quilt tonight. Congratulations to Laura's family!
Laura's Graduation T-Shirt Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman

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