I pulled this festive log cabin off the frame today. I did an all over, edge-to-edge pantograph on it and the top just dances now. The fabric is all from the Dick and Jane fabric line. My dad had his old Dick and Jane book around when I was a girl. I remember finding it long after I could read and it was obvious how much he had loved his book as a boy. He even scrawled "Fred" all through it like he wanted to be one of the lead characters. I wonder if he got in trouble for writing in the book? I'll have to ask him.
Handkerchief quilt waiting in the wings
Up next, I've got this delicate handkerchief quilt. Linda took some of her mother's handkerchiefs and made this sophisticated quilt top. I'll get some better photos of it when it is loaded. It is going to be beautiful!
Scrappy quilt top waiting in the wings by Angela Huffman
Finally, I've finished this scrappy top for a class I'm teaching on Saturday. I've been working on those four patches a long time. Every time I start a seam, I sew two of those 2.5 inch squares together as a thread keeper. This way, I can prevent thread nests, or having my needle become unthreaded. As a result, I've been building my four patch stash without trying and I've finally put them into a quilt top. GooseyGirl told me it was too busy. I told her it was scrappy so that is why it has so many different fabrics. She still wasn't buying it. I guess the scrappy look has to grow on you. Maybe once I get it quilted she'll like it more.

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