Debbie's beauty is up next on the frame. Isn't it modern and delicious? The high contrast really works.
Debbie's Crystals, and brainstorming quilt designs
I'm working on some design ideas. I want to highlight the circle forming behind the vertical and horizontal lines. This quilt reminds me of ice crystals! When I start designing a quilting approach for my client's quilts, I like to use my tablet to draw on the image. I use it to visualize my ideas and, more times than not, I come up with motifs that I couldn't have dreamed without the trial and error. I use Adobe Photoshop Elements but any paint program would work. In this case, I kept seeing circles behind the horizontal and vertical lines. I wanted a motif that would give motion and action to the top. Plus, this top has such a modern feel that I could let my imagination fly.
Here's what I've come up with so far. Debbie's Crystals, and brainstorming quilt designs
What do you think? I've sent it to Debbie, and I'm looking forward to hearing her opinion.

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