This is the first quilt I've done with the Double Bubble pantograph and it was a perfect compliment to Carol's quilt.
Duck, Duck, Goose! Quilt with Double Bubble Pantograph -
Duck, Duck, Goose! Quilt with Double Bubble Pantograph - QuiltedJoy.comThe pantograph's circular design is reminiscent of egg shapes. This quilt is a great example of how to use a pre-printed panel quilt in a simple way to come up with a whole new look. Oh, and don't you love the borders?
Duck, Duck, Goose! Quilt with Double Bubble Pantograph -

Duck, Duck, Goose! Quilt with Double Bubble Pantograph - QuiltedJoy.comDuck, Duck, Goose! Quilt with Double Bubble Pantograph - QuiltedJoy.comThe backing is pieced with more of those goose blocks and the color of the fabric really highlights the Double Bubble Pantograph pattern. I don't want to share Carol's last name in this public forum but it ties in perfectly with the theme of this quilt. It makes me smile when I think of it!









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