The colors in the picture are so far off. I have no idea why my camera decided to transform Nonnie's Card Trick quilt into such weird colors. Trust me when I tell you the colors are rich, beautiful jewel tones. The outside border is an elegant paisley lovely print.
Nonnie's Card Trick Motif in jewel tones
Nonnie wants this quilt done custom, and isn't too sure exactly what it is that she wants done. Before I tell you what my ideas are, take a look at the block and think about what you would do.
Nonnie's Card Trick Motif in jewel tones
Okay, do you have your idea? Here's my first idea. You'll see a ba-bump feather in each of the cards and a stipple in the black background. What do you think? Nonnie's Card Trick Motif in jewel tonesThe problem with this design idea is the size of the blocks. They are about 9" blocks, which would make these feathers quite small. I'm afraid the density of the quilting would be too tight. I really need a design that has some air to it. I do like the stipple in the black background- especially if I use a fancy pants variegated thread in bright primary colors. Here's the idea I'm sending to Nonnie. I've used a modified orange peel design to add some curves to her design elements. Anytime you can juxtapose straight lines with very curvy piecing or, in the case, curvy lines with straight piecing, it really makes the quilt pop. The eye loves traveling those different lines on top of each other.
Nonnie's Card Trick Motif in jewel tones So, what do you think? I still need to play around with that outside border but in the mean time I'll be sending this mock up to Nonnie for her approval before I get started on her quilt top.

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