Bonnie sent me the star portion of this lone star only. She wanted it set into the setting squares and triangles and then quilted. It was quite a task - but didn't it turn out lovely? Lone Star Quilt with edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.comYou name the fiber and I believe you'll find it in the star. The variety of fabric types made encouraging the star to lay flat very challenging. I had to hand-piece a portion of the star to get it to play nice. Lone Star Quilt with edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman - Lone Star Quilt with edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.comOne of my favorite edge to edge pantographs was used for the top, Featheration. I think it is a great example of how a lone star quilt can be stunning without having to go the custom quilting route. Lone Star Quilt with edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.comI finished up the binding last night and I know Bonnie is anxious to get her quilt back!




















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