Take a peek at the projects our renters have been working on here at the Quilted Joy showroom.

Joel custom quilted this dark blue sawtooth quilt at the Quilted Joy showroom

Joel is a local artist whose latest show included several quilts. Joel custom quilted all of them with very specific and strict lines and patterns. On his dark blue sawtooth quilt he used a clamshell stencil and a mechanical chalk pencil to mark all of his clamshells before he came in. He then drove the machine from the front and freehanded each one. He also wanted lots of straight lines, which is super easy thanks to Millie’s electronic channel locks.

Joel added lots of straight lines using the APQS Millennium's electronic channel locks - QuiltedJoy.com

On his turquoise quilt, Joel took advantage of the channel locks again, but also got to try some ruler work to get his perfectly perfect diagonal lines. It’s a little hard to see in the pictures, but Joel is much taller than most of our quilters here. So he could be comfortable, we used our hydraulic lift to raise the table as high as it can go. The next morning Liz knew Joel had been in because the table was at chin height!

If you’d like to see more of Joel’s work it is currently on display at the Zephyr Gallery on Market Street in the NuLu area. You can read more here.

Monica used the A Little Bit This paper pantograph for her whole cloth panel. - QuiltedJoy.com

Monica is brand new to quilting, so new she hasn’t even pieced a quilt yet! Her mom has been a quilter and a sewer for as long as she can remember, but due to arthritis she hasn’t been able to quilt as much. Monica recently inherited a stack of mom’s old unfinished quilt tops and was going to just find someone to quilt them for her, that is until she found our rental program! Before starting on mom’s quilts Monica wanted to do a practice run on something she wouldn’t care too much about if she messed up a few times. She found this cute panel whole cloth in a stack of fabric someone gave her. She used the A Little Bit This pantograph, a great beginner friendly pattern that’s 13″ wide. She was amazed by how easy and fast the quilting was! Stay tuned for more quilts from Monica soon!

Would you believe this was Lyvonn's first time using a longarm quilting machine? You don't have to be a pro to quilt feathers with the help of our design boards! - QuiltedJoy.com

Lyvonn also decided to quilt a whole cloth for her certification class because she didn’t want her nerves to get the best of her while using the longarm for the first time. She’s been quilting for years, but because she’s a small business owner in Tennessee she hasn’t had much time for it. She says she’s approaching retirement and is looking forward to quilting much more again soon! Lyvonn decided to use our feathers design board to get that great feathered look we all know and love. You don’t need to be a pro to make feathers on a longarm!

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