Dive into the enchanting depths of the Under the Sea All Over Fish Multi Fabric Yardage, a whimsical creation by Susybee for Clothworks Fabric. This magical textile unveils a kaleidoscope of vibrant, fantastical fish that seem to dance across the fabric like characters in an underwater fairy tale. A myriad of colors weave together in a spellbinding tapestry, as each fish brings its unique charm to the aquatic symphony. Packed across the fabric, these lively creatures create a captivating panorama, inviting you to explore the mysterious depths of the ocean. The sea comes alive with a magical energy, as if the fabric itself holds the secrets of an underwater kingdom. Let your imagination swim with the playful fish in this fabric, and let the waves of creativity carry you into a storybook world beneath the waves.
Additional Information
Weight | 4 oz |
Product type | Yardage |
Material | Cotton |
Fabric width | 40-46 |
Designer | Susybee |
Theme | Animals & Insects, Baby/ Kids, Nautical |
Product collection | Under the Sea |
Brand | Clothworks Fabric |
Manufacturer | Clothworks Fabric |
Tags: 44" Fabric , Fish , little kids , New Arrivals , Susybee , yardage_collection