Venture into the wondrous realm of Pixel Earth Fabric Yardage, a bewitching creation conceived by the visionary artist Rashida Coleman-Hale, in collaboration with the esteemed Moda. This 100% cotton fabric is a gateway to a fairy tale world, where the essence of the Earth comes alive in a symphony of enchantment. Within its threads, hues of emerald and moss intertwine, echoing the verdant beauty of ancient forests. The intricate pattern resembles a map of hidden realms, where mythical creatures roam and whispered secrets are kept. As you run your fingers across the fabric's surface, you can almost feel the gentle pulse of nature's magic, as if the very Earth breathes beneath your touch. Let this fabric transport you to a place where dreams and reality intertwine, where the mystical dances with the mundane. With each stitch, you embark on a journey of creativity and wonder, where Pixel Earth Fabric Yardage weaves its spell, awakening the magic within.
Additional Information
Weight | 4 oz |
Product type | Yardage |
Fabric width | 40-46 |
Designer | Rashida Coleman-Hale |
Theme | Basics & Blenders |
Product collection | Pixel |
Brand | Ruby Star Society |
Manufacturer | Moda |
Tags: Basics , Basics & Blenders , Geometric , Gold , Moda , Pixel , Rashida Coleman-Hale , Tone on Tone , yardage_collection