In the enchanted realm of fabrics, where the ordinary transforms into extraordinary, there lies "Birdsong Cream Kaleidoscope Bird" by Gingiber for Moda. This whimsical yardage unfurls a captivating story: a cream-colored canvas adorned with a kaleidoscope of avian wonder. Each bird, outlined in elegant black, seems to be a magical creature plucked from the pages of a fairy tale, with feathers that shimmer like the dreams of a starry night.
This geometric tapestry weaves a tale of avian symphonies, where every shape and angle hints at secrets of the winged world. It's as though the birds themselves are the storytellers, sharing their magical secrets through a dance of patterns and geometry.
"Birdsong Cream Kaleidoscope Bird" is a portal to a world where imagination takes flight in kaleidoscopic hues, where stitches are threads of enchanting tales, and where every creation is a whimsical masterpiece, spun from the magic of a geometric dream.
Additional Information
Weight | 4 oz |
Product type | Yardage |
Material | Cotton |
Fabric width | 40-46 |
Designer | Gingiber |
Product collection | Birdsong |
Brand | Moda |
Manufacturer | Moda |
Tags: 44" Fabric , Moda , yardage_collection