Carousel Block
Longarm Machine Rental
Feather Meander Design Board
North Star
Turbulance Pantograph
These Renters Like Big Blocks!

There are a lot of quilts that made up with a lot of tiny blocks. They can be beautiful and intricate. But sometimes, you can cover a lot of real estate by making just a few really big blocks. What a great way to showcase fabric that you really love. The larger blocks can really show off your fabric choices in fun ways. The following quilts are all comprised of really big blocks, and we think they are stunning.
This first quilt is from local quilter and blogger, Erin Harris from House on Hill The block is a simple but pretty pinwheel star variation Erin calls the Carousel Block. It’s the size, that makes the statement with these blocks. Each star is unique in color and fabric choice. I also like how she used the same fabric for the background of the blocks as well as all the sashing. It just makes those big stars float on the surface of the quilt. To quilt this she simply quilted rows and rows of cursive "l’s." The quilting doesn’t fight or distract from the piecing.
Linda is giving this quilt as a gift. Again, the basic design of the quilt is simple enough, but with a few added tweaks that makes it unique and spectacular. These are north stars with an added sashing between the points and the center square. This added space and the fact that the stars are all yellow, gives these blocks the look of radiating stars. And the size makes them look like suns. She quilted it with a pantograph called Turbulence which I feel just adds to the fiery feel of these sunblocks, a great choice for this first time long arm quilter. Linda did this in her certification class.
This is a sample quilt for a kit you can buy at Among Friends done by Beverly. The contrast between the soft pinks and the dark brown is gorgeous. She finished it with our feathered design board. It’s great to use design boards for sample quilts, because anyone making this who really liked the quilting, can come and do the exact same thing for their quilt with the same results. I think the feathers look good with the top. Very traditional but flowy and organic. I really like the quilt pattern, too. This is one of those patterns that can be seen as two things, one masculine and one feminine. I see X’s and flowers. What do you see?
There are patterns out there that are already big because that is how they are designed to be. But taking a quilt block that is typically smaller, like a north star or pinwheel, and enlarging it to take up a ninth or twelfth of a quilt can be a great way to show off your favorite fabrics, or fancy quilting techniques in all that lovely solid space.

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.
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