Over the past few months, our quilting community has helped to create a new quilt at Quilted Joy. Thank you to all who voted! Starting in November, we invited all of our quilty friends who get our newsletter to choose the layout and quilting design that makes the Flight of the Finches quilt super special. Let's take a look at how our Design-a-long 2022 came together.

The Block: Birds in the Air 4 at a Time

We started with the traditional Birds in the Air block. There are two things that made this block perfect for our Design-a-Long, First, it is an asymmetrical block which means we can get a mountain of different layouts for our quilt top by simply rotating the block. Fabulous! The totally amazing part is that the Quilt Fairies here at Quilted Joy have developed a way to make this block FOUR AT A TIME! Wahoooo!!! Seriously... it is VERY cool. We demonstrated this nifty trick for piecing four at a time Birds in the Air during our November Quilted Joy Clubhouse Livestream Q&A:

The Winning Layout:

Next, you all voted on which layout you liked the best. Layout #3 won by a landslide, even though there were five other amazing options. Pop over at see the other layouts you can get from this versatile block!

The Quilting Plan:

Finally, we asked everyone to vote on the quilting plan that I would quilt. Plan #3 was the winner (again) and came together beautifully. Although this plan was the clear favorite, there are 3 other fabulous options that would have been stunning. Take a look!

In the end, the Quilted Joy clubhouse and community helped create what we've decided to name the Flight of the Finches Quilt and we've got it all kitted up for you at a fabulous price for this 42" x 54" lap quilt! It has been so much fun to design a quilt with our quilty community! Have you made yours yet? We'd love to see it!

Flight of the Finches Quilt Kit


Quilt designed by Angela Huffman Painter’s Palette Solids collection from Paintbrush Studio Fabrics. Finished quilt is 42″ x 54″. 100% cotton Add to Cart

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