T-shirt Quilt from Cheerleading Uniforms
T-shirt Quilt from Cheerleading Uniforms

I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting to put a quilting estimator on my website for so long but it was entirely too complicated with the way I had my old website set up. But now, with all the changes I’ve made… I now have a machine quilting service estimator for my customers. You can plug in your quilt top size, choose your level of quilting, select your batting and you’ll have your estimated price right away! Check it out here.

T-shirt quilt from uniforms
Tshirt Quilt for Graduating Senior Cheerleader

A few posts ago I shared a photo of a t-shirt quilt I was working on for a couple of cheerleaders who are graduating from one of the local private schools in town. Well, I got them finished and delivered. The family’s were happy with them. I included a photo of the seniors with their names embroidered below them. The cheerleading uniforms were difficult to work with as they had a ton of darts to make them hug the body.

Plus, most of the tshirts were teensy tiny so the biggest block I could use as a 12″ size. Normally on T-shirt quilts I use a 15″ block. Like all of my tshirt quilts, these used the budget value meander so I could avoid some of the areas that can’t be stitched on.

Photo Block for cheerleading tshirt quilt
Photo Block for Cheerleader Quilt

T-shirt quilts can be such a great sentimental gift!

Photo Block t-shirt quilt
Photo Block in Tshirt Quilt

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