Sporty T-shirt quilt, quilted by Angela HuffmanThis is the t-shirt quilt made for Kris' son. He is an athlete with talent in a variety of sports. She's got t-shirts of his in there from basketball, soccer, and baseball. But there are also t-shirts showing how smart this young man is as well. The most impressive one is a t-shirt from a state level math event put on by The Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers. Sporty T-shirt quilt, quilted by Angela HuffmanOne of the things that always impresses me when I make a t-shirt quilt for someone is the obvious love embedded in all of these shirts and the love shared by the family of the young person for whom the quilt is made.
Sporty T-shirt quilt, quilted by Angela HuffmanIt makes me feel so much gratitude for the love I have in my own life. Gratitude and a smidgeon of humility. So, for today, I'll be quilting Kris' t-shirt quilt and making the binding. Happy Halloween!

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