Angela Huffman's Reflections
Custom Machine Quilting
Dream Big Flower Panel
Fabric Collage Quilt
Free Motion Quilting
Laura Heine Fabric Collage Quilt
machine quilting
Quilt Show
My Ribbon Winning Quilts from the Kentucky State Fair 2018!

I love the fair. Seriously LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fair. Growing up, my family and I would go to the fair 4-5 times each year. There is so much to love about the Kentucky State Fair but my favorite thing was always the QUILTS!! I haven't entered in a number of years but this year I decided to make it a priority. And.... I won a few shiny ribbons! FYI: All of my quilts entered were done without a computer. They are all done with free motion quilting!
That big ribbon you see is the coveted Best of Machine Quilting award!
It matches the purples in the fabric nicely, right? :) This quilt is the sample quilt for a class I'm teaching in September in Australia. I'm so looking forward to my trip down under!
Do you remember LuLu? She got a second place ribbon! She was created using a fabric collage technique created from a pattern by Laura Heine. If you haven't tried this technique yet, you should. It is so much fun! Don't miss these photos of other fabric collage quilts made by my students.
Right before heading over to see the quilts when we arrived at the fair I decided to stop by and say hello to the goats. They had the dairy goats at the fair and they are always so friendly. Well, I leaned over to say hello to one and he jumped up putting its hooves squarely on my chest. You can guess what those hooves were covered in. EWWWW!!!! After a stop in the restroom to wash my shirt as best I could we headed over to the quilts. So... now you know the secret to the slight brown stains on my shirt in my selfies. :)
I also submitted my Dream Big panel quilt and it got a third place ribbon. This quilt was so much fun to do because I got to play with lots of different quilting motifs. And it went pretty fast as it is very forgiving because there is so much going on. I put a different feather in each petal.
Oh, and a quilt I did on the Love of Quilting show also won a ribbon! Debbie D pieced this quilt and it won an Honorable Mention ribbon.
It was a great day at the fair... minus the goats! :)

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.
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