I miss my dad. He died January 30th and, for some reason, I've been feeling the hole in my heart with his name on it more acutely this week. Maybe it is because of the Memorial Day holiday. Maybe it is because we've received notice that his headstone has now been placed on his grave site. Marilyn's Memorial Quilt I guess I'm not the only one because we've had phone calls this week from some of dad's friends who called to tell us they've been thinking of him and needed to check on us. I never knew how comforting it would be to get a call so many months after burying him from one of his friends to just let us know he was loved.
Marilyn's Memorial Quilt
My dad died at age 59. He was a fantastic father who never hid his deep love of his children, grandchildren and wife. I miss his big giant paw sized hands. I miss his bear hugs. I miss his belly laughs while watching MASH for the gazillionth time.
Marilyn's Memorial Quilt
I am grateful though. I'm grateful that my children got to really know their grandfather. I'm thankful that I came to know him as an adult. I'm thankful that my dad loved my mother. I'm thankful that God picked out that particular man to be my daddy.
Marilyn's Memorial Quilt
The quilt you see throughout this post is a comfort quilt my online quilt guild made for my mom. My friend JennieBeth organized it. Sweet Sandy pieced it and amazingly talented Ruthie quilted it. The blocks are all signed by women whom I'm blessed to call friend. The blocks represent the prayers and thoughts of women from all over the country and Canada.
My mom loves it and tells me it is going on the foot of her new bed. This is one of the reasons I love quilting. It is an expression. In this quilt, every stitch, every block, every seam is filled with love and kindness. Can you tell it is treasured? My mom says she doesn't know how to thank a big group of women, most of whom she's never met. I told her that what they most want her to know is that her loss is recognized and honored.
Marilyn's Memorial Quilt

So, for those of you who made a block for mom. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.






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