May Bouquet of Quilts

April showers bring May Flowers and here we are with our May bouquet of quilts! Our renters are awesome and bring in such lovely quilts for us to see, and this month was no exception. I got to see some plaids, stripes, batiks and even some classic blocks. Not only is it fun to be inspired by all the different quilts, but we get to chat and quilt with some amazing people! It is an all over win-win for me, let’s see if you agree!
Pieced Plaid
This first quilt is from Judy, one of our regulars. It is a pretty straight forward design, but the careful choice of fabrics leaves you with the impression of plaid fabric. Judy quilted this with a pantograph we have called Wavy Gravy. It’s a fun geometric style design that has the structure of a grid and the fluid motion of a freemotion swirl. It adds a lot of lovely texture, but doesn’t add a distracting design that fights your piecing. Great job Judy!

Woven Ribbons
This quilt is from our friend Valerie. Like Judy’s quilt, is a simple set of stripes that form a beautiful overall design. This looks like a weave of ribbons. I can imagine a quilt like this in Christmas or school colors, as well as these lovely colors that Valerie used to make hers. She quilted this with a design called Toss Up. I love it because it is a little floral and a little not. It’s subtle and definitely great for this top.
Wedding Batiks
Next we have a large dramatic piece by LeAnn. This is a wedding gift for her son. It is made of batiks. She worked very hard on it and was very detailed in the selection of every fabric and color. She even came in to our shop the week before finishing this quilt, to practice on another quilt top that she wasn’t as attached to. She wanted to make sure that she did her absolute best on this very special quilt. LeAnn chose a simple meander because we felt the quilt was dramatic enough, and did not need anything to distract from that gorgeous fabric and design. LeAnn updated us to let us know that she faced the quilt rather than bind it, and that it was a great hit with her son and his wife when she gave it to them!
Catch this Bouquet of Quilts at a wedding!
This quilt was fun one from Nicki. Her friend was getting married and they wanted a signature quilt. The bride purchased a charm pack and markers and allowed her guests to write messages on the fabric squares during the reception. The challenge with this sort of thing is non-sewing folk do not understand the concept of seam allowances! There were many squares where the message was cut off or they wrote on the wrong side of the fabric. Over all the top turned out SOOO cute. What a great memory to have for a brand new couple! Nicki quilted this with a pantograph called Heart fancy. It’s a great design for this top. It’s not too tight and the hearts are just perfect for a quilt based on love.💕
Overall, I think our May bouquet of quilts turned out beautiful! There was a lot of color, a lot of style, and a lot of LOVE sewn up in each piece. Hopefully you were inspired, and whatever your next quilt may be, we’d love to see it! Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram so we can all be inspired by YOUR next quilt!

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.
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