T-Shirt Quilt Recently Judy dropped off this massive T-shirt quilt for quilting. There's 30 shirts in the top and each shirt was cut into about a 12" square. T-Shirt Quilt As you can see from the pictures, most of these shirts are from cycling events. And some of the events are from around the world, including this one from the Tour De France. T-Shirt Quilt T-Shirt Quilt But I think my favorite shirt had to be this one, "The Older I Get… The Faster I Was." Ha! T-Shirt Quilt For T-shirt quilts I usually recommend a simple all over meander for the quilting with a neutral thread that blends well. This way I can avoid any patches or fragile screen prints and the quilting won't overtake the quilt. American Dreams Blue Wide Back Fabric For the backing, Judy chose this blue stars and swirls backing. The blue was a perfect match for the blues in her top, don't you think? T-Shirt Quilt Judy's avid cyclist already has their quilt and I'm sure they're loving it!

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