T-shirt quilts can tell you a lot about a person - their hobbies, work, or favorite sports teams. One quick glance at Joanne's quilt and I could tell right away this quilt Joanne's Travel Shirts Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffmanbelongs to someone well traveled. There are shirts from Montana, Route 66, Little Bighorn Battlefield, the National Aquarium, and so much more. I love to travel, it's one of the many great parts of my job, so seeing this quilt makes me want to jump on a plane and go explore the world! Joanne decided to use the Turbulance Pantograph for her edge-to-edge design. She came to pick it up last week and she was very excited to see it finished. She joked that it might be a little too good, now everyone in the family is going to want their own T-shirt quilt! Joanne's Travel Shirts Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman Joanne's Travel Shirts Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman Joanne's Travel Shirts Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman

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