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Introducing the Spot On Bracket for Computerized Quilting

I'm so stinkin' excited to show you this product made specifically for the APQS world of computerized quilting! For years I've been frustrated while quilting with my computerized systems. Every time I needed to set the boundaries for a motif I was lowering my needle at each corner of my blocks to make sure I was going to click in exactly where that point should be. This may not seem like a lot of trouble, but when you're setting dozens of points in a single pass of a queen sized quilt that's a lot of time lowering and raising your needle. With my Spot On laser bracket you can now position your laser on your APQS machine so it shines directly into the dead center of your hopping foot!
Meet the Spot On Bracket for computerized quilting for APQS machines with the LED light panel. If you have an older APQS that has a fluorescent tube light shining down on your fabric, this bracket won't work for you. This bracket is only for APQS machines with LED lights. If you aren't sure if that describes your machine, give us a ring at (502) 718-7148.
The Spot On Laser Bracket is the computerized quilter’s solution to clicking in exact points without lowering your needle down! This simple bracket allows you to mount your your laser at the front of your APQS machine head, allowing you to shine the light into the dead center of your hopping foot. You'll plug your laser into the existing power port at the front of your APQS machine. With the Spot On, you can mark the boundaries for your blocks, borders and other motifs on your APQS computerized quilting machine quickly and accurately.
Each kit comes with a Spot On bracket and two screws that replace the existing ones on your machines. They are slightly longer than to compensate for the thickness of the bracket. It's super easy to install! You just remove the two existing screws on the left side of your machine head when standing at the needle side and mount your bracket with the longer screws provided in your kit. That's it! Plug in your laser light to your machine's top port, slide the light onto your new bracket post, and quilt away! The Spot On Bracket is available now in the online store for only $20!
Please be aware, the Spot On is ONLY for next generation APQS machines with the LED light panel. If your APQS machine has a fluorescent tube light hanging below your handles this laser bracket will not fit. You must have an APQS machine that has LED lights. If you are unsure if you have a LED light APQS machine, please email us a photo of your machine or call us so we can help you. (502) 718-7148
This bracket will work with all computerized systems on an APQS machine including Quilt Path and Intelliquilter!

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.
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