What could be better than a free Baby Quilt Pattern Download? How about a stack of blocks finished from all your quilty friends to make it with? Brilliant, right?

I made this quilt from blocks I won in my quilting guild's Block Lotto. Have you ever heard of a Block Lotto? It is a fun activity for a quilting guild and I love participating in Block Lottos during a quilting retreat. They are easy to run and especially fun to win! Basically all your quilty friends make the same block in a designated colorway. Each person who makes one gets entered to win and the winner takes home all the blocks! Instant quilt!

That photo above is from the set of the Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting show where I shared this quilt with our viewers. So fun! And, the editors of the Love of Quilting magazine published it there, too! They always do such great styling with my quilts.

Get the free pattern for this baby quilt I made from the blocks I won at my guild's Block Lotto down below. And, if you make it, I'd love to see it! You can post it over on our Quilted Joy private Facebook group, the Quilted Joy Clubhouse.

For over ten years I attended a summer quilting retreat in St. Louis with my online quilting guild. I love these ladies and wish I lived closer to them so I could enjoy more laughs and giggles with them! One of the many activities we did during our retreats was a Block Lotto.

How do you host a Quilt Block Lotto? It is very simple! First, the coordinator of the Block Lotto picks out a block for the group. The coordinator for my guild's block lotto picked out this block and shared the block with my guild. Get the free pattern down below and you can share it with yours!. Here's the block my guild coordinator chose.

Next, the coordinator picked out the colorway we were all supposed to use. It is important to be very specific here. We were told our blocks should have only two colors per block- the background and the focal print. The approved colorway was:

  1. White on White background
  2. Skittles

Yep! Skittles! I love that a colorway can be explained by a candy. It's perfect, right?

Every person who made a block entered their name in the giveaway. The number of blocks you make is the number of chances you get to enter to win! Everyone brought their blocks to our retreat and some folks had made multiple blocks. In fact, there were so many entries that the stack of blocks was divided into multiple stacks so more folks could have a chance to win blocks.

I decided to add an Economy block for some secondary fun to the design. I also thought this border was super fun and interesting. It looks like a folded ribbon! Don't forget I've linked to the free pattern just for you below!

And I won! Block Lottos are an easy, exciting and fun activity for your next guild event or quilting retreat. Ready for the free baby quilt pattern I promised? Click on the link below to download your free pattern and feel free to use it for a Block Lotto with your quilty friends!

Grab the free downloadable baby quilt pattern here! The quilt is called Candy Dreams. Appropriate, yes?

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