Eugene contacted me to finish an antique quilt that had been in the family for many years. The fabrics all appear to be 1930s and would most likely be scraps from clothing that was sewn for the family.

This Dresden plate quilt was made by Eugene's wife's Great Aunts. They weren't sure when in exactly it was made.
I dropped in some formal feathers into the negative space between each plate. The back turned out especially beautiful.

Deciding what to quilt inside each of the Dresden plates. Each plate was a difficult size. Most were not circular so I needed to select a motif that wouldn't drawn your eye to the fact that some were round and some were oblong.

I dropped in corners with those formal feathers and a heart motif. Each of the Dresden Plates have continuous curves and give the plates a floral feel. The center of each plate has an has a simple design that gives a circular feel to all the plates without pointing out the areas that aren't perfectly round.
I embroidered a label for the quilt that preserved what little is known about the makers of the top and the location it was made. I tend to harp on putting labels on quilts with my clients. So much care is taken to piece a top but many times our quilts never get labels so those who come after us won't know the simple history of our quilts. I offer embroidered labels for my clients and I'm so glad Eugene wanted me to be sure their family got a label for their quilt!
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