Join Me for a Fabric Collage Workshop!

Raise your hand if you bought a pattern last year and still haven't made the quilt! In case you're wondering, I've got both arms and both legs raised and I'm wiggling all my fingers and toes ;)

Lulu Elephant by Laura Heine
Meet Lulu. I fell in love with this sweet girl designed by Laura Heine almost a year ago. I have a soft spot for elephants - it's hard not to when your maiden name is Horton, as in Horton Hears a Who. I ordered a pattern and a few stacks of fabric and then… didn't touch it again. I'm hoping a few of you can relate. Recently one of the wonderful ladies in the longarm guild was talking to me about the next project she was hoping to tackle. It was another one of Laura Heine's super cute fabric collage quilts. And it occurred to me the only way I'm ever going to get started on Lulu is if you guys make me do it. So later in the fall of 2017 I'll be hosting a Fabric Collage the Laura Heine Way Workshop!

Pinkerton Flamingo by Laura Heine
This workshop is a laid back sit and sew exploring the fabric collage technique used by the Laura Heine patterns. This isn’t a class so much as a collaborative time to play and explore for the day as we work on a fabric collage project. In this workshop we will work together to make a quilt top that is a whirlwind of color, shapes, and designs! It's always more fun to work on a quilt with other folks around, so if you've been dreaming of making your own Freida or Pinkerton, why not make some new friends in the process? Apparently the longarm guild thought it sounded like a lot of fun too. I announced registration was open at the meeting earlier this week and the class sold out right away! Not to worry, I wouldn't tease you about the workshop only to say it's sold out! I decided to host another workshop on Friday September 1, 2017 from 10:00am-3:00pm. If you would like join me for this workshop, I would recommend you sign up very soon. I have to limit the workshop to the first 8 people due to space needed.
Freida Fox by Laura Heine
I'm so excited to get started on Lulu, and I hope you'll join me for all the fun!

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.
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