Way back when I got into quilting I took a piecing class from Karen. She taught me so much and encouraged me to learn about quilting. Here I sit almost 10 years later and I now quilt her tops for her! Don't you love a full circle story?

Blue ribbon quilt

A quilt I did for her recently won a first place blue ribbon at the Kentucky Quilter's Day Out quilt show! I'm so happy for her. I know she must have been gliding on air on Saturday when she found out. I had taken you through some design steps in a prior post but I hadn't had the time to post the final product.

Courthouse steps quilt with houses

One of the things I decided to do with her quilt was put all of those courthouse steps blocks on point. I did that by making diagonal lines through the center and adding two block motifs which form a secondary pattern into the new on point blocks made with those lines.


I played with curved crosshatching on this quilt throughout the outside setting triangles and the background in the star cornerstones. khousems Each house got a different treatment. Some were log cabins with straight lines. Some got bricks. Some got squiggly lines. khousecu You might be able to tell from this photo that I put feathers between each house and you can see the feathers in the outside striped triangles too. khousems2 It was fun! I'll be taking this quilt with me next month to Fons and Porters so I can use it to teach about ruler work on a longarm quilting machine. Don't you LOVE this quilt? Be sure to pop over and see how I auditioned designs when I was trying to figure out what to put on it. I used a double batting of Hobbs Cotton and Hobbs wool. Kws

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