Here are a few more shots of the different blocks in Eve's jaw-dropping Classic Santa Applique quilt. I've gotten some questions about where to find this pattern.
The designer is Sue Garman and these Santa's were a part of a block of the month program. I'm not sure where you can find the pattern now but if you Google it, you may find it.
Eve added her own setting. The large sleigh block and the large reindeer block were something she also added on her own outside of the pattern.
I put snowflakes and ribbon text of "Joy" in the reindeer blocks.
Sorry about the blur in the photos; I was in a bit of a hurry because I had to get this quilt in the car for my trip to St. Louis.
The Santa block here has smoke coming out of the pipe and snowflakes in the background. I also added a drum and a package.
Do you see the gingerbread husband and wife? I like to imagine that is Eve and her DH. :) The gingerbread girl even has heart buttons.
This Santa block has a blizzard background behind him. I wish I'd taken a close up of Eve's raggedy-ann doll in Santa's sack. It has fringe for hair. CUTE!
Eve is an applique master and it was an honor to work on her top!
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